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Statement regarding the dialogue between the government and the opposition in Venezuela

Wednesday, February 8, 2018

The Government of Chile has paid special attention to and participated in meetings held over the past two days in the Dominican Republic between the Government and Venezuelan opposition delegates, and deeply regrets that no agreement has been reached between the parties to allow for the convening of democratic, transparent presidential elections in accordance with international standards.

Consequently, and as expressed in the statement issued on January the 31st, the Government of Chile has decided to suspend indefinitely its participation in the Dominican Republic's dialogue, since no minimum conditions have been agreed for a democratic presidential election and institutional normalization.

While appreciating the efforts made by the President of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina and his Foreign Minister Miguel Vargas, the Chilean Government reiterates its conviction that the constitutional democratic order in Venezuela must be restored and that the country's social and humanitarian crisis must be urgently addressed.