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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and EU Mission in Chile organized talks in Concepción on Association Agreement

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The IV "Chile-EU Association Agreement, Present and Future", co-organized by DIRECON and the European Union Mission in Chile, was held today in Concepción, with the participation of Ambassador Stella Zervoudaki; Ambassador Alejandra Guerra, Director of European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Felipe Lopeandía, DIRECON's Director of Bilateral Economic Affairs.

The meeting allowed to develop a dialogue with authorities, businessmen and civil society of the Region of Biobío, to make known the contributions of the Association Agreement of 2002 between Chile and the EU, as well as to share the general lines of the current negotiation to modernize this Agreement that will deepen and update our relationship with the EU, having as transversal themes Gender, Innovation and Sustainable Development.

On this occasion, Ambassador Zervoudaki described the contributions of the current agreement between Chile and the EU, and pointed out that the new agreement will be the most modern and comprehensive that the EU is negotiating. Lopeandía referred to the commercial relationship between Chile and the EU, and the importance of the current modernization of the agreement. Ambassador Guerra spoke about the achievements in the areas of political dialogue, cooperation and new alliances on issues such as climate change, ocean governance and human rights, developed between Chile and the EU.