Minister Ampuero signs audiovisual co-production agreement between Chile and Germany

In the midst of the official visit to Germany on Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, signed today with the Deputy Minister for International Cultural Policy of Germany, Michelle Müntefering, a Film Co-production Agreement between the two countries, which will allow Chile to expand more and more territories for the dissemination and marketing of national audiovisual works.
The agreement will make it possible to have dual nationality productions (thus being able to access the benefits and instruments of promotion and tax advantages that exist in both states), expand budgets, generate capital goods, increase distribution circuits, encourage foreign investment and improve production standards.
In this context, Minister Ampuero pointed out that "the promotion of our country's cultures and arts at the international level, as well as the dialogue of Chilean artists with artists of other nationalities, are a key element in Chile's image before the world. Culture is one of the important dimensions of our policy, of how we strengthen Chile's image".
It was in 2015, within the framework of the 65th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival, when the then National Council for Culture and the Arts - today the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage - together with the Embassy of Chile in Germany, presented a first project to the cultural authorities of the German Federal Government. From then on, meetings were organized between Chilean and German audiovisual producers, which allowed them to perfect the text and, together with it, sustain their signature.
From 2011 to date, Chile has eight co-productions developed with Germany. These are: "Someone has seen Lupita", by Gonzalo Justiniano (2011); "Sentados frente al fuego", by Alejandro Fernández Almendras (2012); "El futuro", by Alicia Scherson (2013); "Surire", by Bettina Perut and Iván Osnovikoff (2015); "Jesús", by Fernando Guzzoni (2016); and "Una mujer fantástica", by Sebastián Lelio; "Los versos del olvido", by Alireza Khatami; and "Los perros", by Marcela Said (all in 2017).
Currently our country also has co-production agreements with Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy and Venezuela.