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Mexico grants extradition of Julio Escobar Poblete

Monday, November 26, 2018

It is with great satisfaction that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that Mexico has granted the extradition of Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete. Escobar Poblete is under trial in Chile for the death of Senator Jaime Guzmán Errázuriz.

This resolution constitutes, without a doubt, a great step forward in the search for justice for the murder, in democracy, of a Senator of the Republic and recognizes the full rule of law that prevails in our country.

"I want to highlight the support given by the Mexican State in seeking this reparation for the family of Senator Guzmán," said Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero.

"The conviction of the Mexican political and judicial authorities regarding the origin of the extradition will allow us to continue the process initiated by our courts with all the legal guarantees. This also reflects the confidence in Chilean institutions, the recognition of their democratic order and the firm commitment of both nations to continue fighting against terrorism and transnational organized crime," the minister added.

In accordance with Mexican legislation, the extradition request was reviewed in the first instance by the Specialized District Judge in the Accusatory Criminal System of the Federal Criminal Justice Center of the state of Guanajuato and then by the Mexican Foreign Ministry. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile wishes to emphasize that both the opinion of the Mexican court and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country were in favor of accepting the extradition request.

The extradition process of Mr. Escobar Poblete was initiated in July 2017 through the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the request of the Minister in Extraordinary Visit of the Santiago Court of Appeals, Mario Carroza, in the case for the crime of terrorist attack resulting in death perpetrated against a political authority.

The request was made by invoking the Extradition Treaty in force between Chile and Mexico, signed on October 2, 1990. Raúl Escobar Poblete, who resides in Mexico with a false identity, has been detained in that country since June 8, 2017 for his alleged involvement in kidnapping crimes.