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Finally, he addressed the 2019 Apec Forum, which brings together the top 21 economies of Asia Pacific. "We have to take this opportunity to show the image of our country, not just products, people, culture, art. It is not a gift, we deserve it, but it is a great opportunity," he said, calling for preparation and work in this direction.

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, attended this Friday the "International Dissemination Seminar", organized by the Regional Coordination Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which the main guidelines and state of Chile's foreign policy are shared, held at the Duoc de Valparaíso headquarters.

At the event, which was attended by regional authorities, parliamentarians and civil society actors, the Minister analysed the current world scenario and set out the main guidelines for the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Secretary of State indicated that there is a change in the structures that sustained the post-communist and post-war world, marked by criticism of free trade and the treaties that underpin it. This has generated a "wave of scepticism and rejection that has allowed a protectionist reaction to be fuelled. There are left and right-wing people in it".

Thus, he added that Chile, due to its relative weight in the international arena, "needs a peaceful, stable and open scenario for free trade, with a vocation for international law and respect for the treaties in force".

In this context, the Foreign Minister pointed out that Chile's foreign policy is a "state policy". "It's not that the incoming government does and doesn't do as it pleases. There is a tradition that has been built on the basis of different political sensitivities, different Presidents and that makes Chile have a solid, coherent and respected policy. It doesn't come as a surprise overnight. It's a reliable partner, that's a very important political asset."

Thus, he mentioned as central elements of this State policy the respect and inviolability of treaties, the peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for the principles of sovereignty, the promotion of democracy and the defence of human rights.

However, the Minister explained that while there are key aspects of continuity, it is also necessary to be aware of and adapt to changes in the scenario.

"One of the points that will characterize our government and the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be that Chile will speak clearly, say things clearly, based on the prestige that the country has accumulated over the decades and as a result of the work of different governments," he said, stressing that in any case Chile will seek to join forces and bring other countries closer together. "We are not going to become a lone ranger either, we must act together with other countries to propose what we want," he said.

In this regard, he mentioned that Chile has spoken out clearly in the face of the crises in Venezuela and Nicaragua, and has pushed for joint actions with other countries in the decision not to participate in Unasur. "There has been a sequence of integration experiments in our region and we have always tried to speak with one voice, but the results have not been satisfactory," he said.

In this context, the Chancellor highlighted the Pacific Alliance as "one of the few integration successes in Latin America". "The proof is that there are other countries one step away from being associated states," he said, referring to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Canada.

The Minister said, "We are looking for diplomacy of agreements, but with concrete results. Sometimes in our region we are very rhetorical. Let's go for results."

Another point raised by the Minister was that foreign policy should be interpreted and be close to the citizens and especially to the regions. "Foreign policy is not something that happens in the Chancellery alone or in embassies. This also applies to SMEs, for example. We want people to feel that international relations concern them."

As for Chile's ties with the region, the Secretary of State said that "we are proud to be Latin Americans and from here we project our work and image to the world". "We want to add density to the links with the region."

The Minister highlighted Chile's participation in the Summit of the Americas in Lima and the official visits made to Argentina and Brazil by President Sebastián Piñera.

As for Bolivia, he assured that Chile will continue to be available to move forward in concrete and practical tasks, such as the fight against smuggling, drug trafficking and car theft at the border, but within a framework of unrestricted respect for the 1904 Treaty. "President Evo Morales set up the relationship in The Hague and there it is. Chile respects the treaties and, I say this very emphatically, upholds them".

The Minister also highlighted the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the elaboration of the new migration policy promoted by President Sebastián Piñera, to "guarantee an orderly, safe and regular migration, which is what the population has been demanding for years".

"We explained to the countries to which we gave special visas and we began an orderly process in the consulates in Haiti and Venezuela," he said, referring to the visas for Democratic Responsibility for Venezuelan citizens and for Tourism for Haitians. "We strengthened our consulates and speeded up procedures," he added.

Foreign Minister Ampuero said on this issue that those who want to enter Chile must tell the authorities the truth if they want to stay. This also allows the government to know and have a measure of magnitude, which is key to safeguarding people's dignity, is a sign of the government's responsibility.

Finally, he addressed the 2019 Apec Forum, which brings together the top 21 economies of Asia Pacific. "We have to take this opportunity to show the image of our country, not just products, people, culture, art. It is not a gift, we deserve it, but it is a great opportunity," he said, calling for preparation and work in this direction.