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Chancellor meets with ministers from New Zealand and Canada to promote inclusive trade summit

Friday, November 16, 2018

In the framework of the APEC summit, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero held a trilateral meeting with New Zealand's Minister of Trade and Export Growth, David Parker, and Deputy Minister of International Trade Canada, Tim Sargent, at a meeting of the Inclusive Trade Action Group (ITAG).

Chile, along with these two countries, are part of the Action Group for Inclusive Trade, which seeks to promote a summit on this issue.

Regarding this meeting, the Chancellor pointed out that "these are three countries that have a name and prestige at the international level in matters of trade opening, free trade, open markets with clear rules and also with a deep conviction of the advantages, goodness and necessity of multilateralism".

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In this line, he explained that "the objective of the action group is to promote inclusive trade, meaning that international trade must have very clear benefits for people, for SMEs, for groups in extreme areas, for indigenous peoples, and also, something that Chile underscores and will emphasize during 2019, this trade must also bring benefits and directly impact the role of women in the economy".

In addition, within the framework of this meeting, Canada and New Zealand supported Chile's priorities as the next host of APEC 2019: Digital Society; Industrial Revolution 4.0; Women and Inclusive Growth; and Sustainable, Global and Inclusive Growth.

In addition, the three ministers highlighted the entry into force, on December 30, of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty CPTPP, for the first group of countries to ratify the Agreement.

After this meeting, Minister Ampuero met with the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Meg Taylor. During the meeting, held within the framework of APEC, they discussed cooperation and exchange of experiences in reaction to tsunamis, warning systems and evacuation plans.