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Chancellor heads launch of the fourth version of Chile Week China 2018 which seeks to strengthen ties between the two countries

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, today led the launch of the fourth version of the Chile Week China 2018 program, an international promotional activity to be held in the cities of Beijing and Shanghai between November 1st and 7th. Also participating in the activity were the Director General of the Direcon, Rodrigo Yáñez, and the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Chile, Xu Bu.

The objective of this initiative, in which public and private actors are summoned, is to show the opportunities that the country offers as a supplier of goods and services, a destination for foreign investment and a tourist destination. The idea is to get even closer to the Chinese people, continue to deepen bilateral relations and increase awareness of Chile among the consumers.

"China is very important, among other reasons, because it is our main trading partner. The commercial relations between both countries exceed 34 billion dollars, and we are in a very good and positive harmony," said the Minister. He added that this initiative "is a great opportunity to continue having a presence in Asia. In addition, we must not forget that Chile is projected as a gateway to Asia Pacific, but also from Asia Pacific to Latin America".

The Secretary of State explained that "we have in our portfolio a week full of activities, a reflection of the excellent level of relations between our two countries. The bilateral agenda is very well nurtured and also very stimulating and looks to the future".

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The activities in China include meetings between Chilean and Chinese authorities, economic and technical seminars, thematic talks, activities with investors, promotion of tourism and the Chilean exportable offer, activations on public roads, cultural activities, all under the Chile brand. Each event has complementary objectives from a political, cultural, business and media environment.

Chile Week China seeks to continue deepening the relationship with China, not only at a commercial level, but also at a socio-cultural level. Both countries have more than 48 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations, 12 years of the Free Trade Agreement, which is currently being updated. "We want to carry forward the modernization of our free trade agreement, adapting it to the incorporation of technologies, innovation, beyond the traditional products that we have been exporting wines, fruits, minerals and also, of course, sea products," said the Foreign Minister.

During that week, the third meeting of the Strategic Dialogue Mechanism on Economic Cooperation and Coordination will take place led by the governments. This instance has contributed enormously to deepening our relationship in key sectors of our economy, such as energy, mining and telecommunications. In the private sector, meanwhile, the ninth meeting of the Binational Business Council will be held.

In turn, Chile will participate in the China International Imports Fair, which will be inaugurated by President Xi Jinping in Shanghai on November 5. The Minister stressed that the country's participation in this activity is "a concrete demonstration of friendship, openness and our willingness to promote these joint efforts. We highly value the holding of this China International Import Fair, for what it means and for the spaces it offers".