President Piñera appoints new ambassador to Thailand

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand, reported that the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, appointed career diplomat Alex Geiger Soffia as Ambassador of Chile in Thailand, who has already received his approval.
Ambassador Geiger is a Foreign Service official, graduated from the “Andrés Bello” Diplomatic Academy. Former alumni of the State University of San Francisco, California, where he studied International Relations and the "Pearson School of International Peace Operations" in Ottawa, Canada.
Abroad, he has served as Ambassador of Chile to the Kingdom of Morocco and concurrent in Senegal, as well as in Egypt and concurrent in Libya, and as Observer of Chile before the Arab League. Similarly, throughout his career, he has been responsible for carrying out responsibilities in other missions, such as the United States, Canada, Lebanon, France, Syria, and the United Kingdom.
In Chile, meanwhile, he has held various positions such as Director for the Middle East and Africa, Director for South America, and in the Cabinet of the Director-General for Foreign Policy, among other positions.
At the time of his current appointment, Ambassador Geiger served as Director for North, Central America, and the Caribbean of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.