Working Group condemns the decision of the Government of Nicaragua to suspend the presence of IACHR mechanisms in that country

The Working Group for Nicaragua of the Permanent Council of the OAS,
Expresses its strongest condemnation of the decision of the Government of Nicaragua to suspend the presence of the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (MESENI), and of the visits of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), as well as the unilateral and abrupt decision to declare the early expiry of the deadline, objective and mission of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI).
It strongly condemns the persecution of human rights organizations in recent weeks, in particular through their criminalization and cancellation of legal personality, as well as the repeated violations of the freedom of expression of journalists and media in Nicaragua.
It reiterates its concern about the obstacles that the MESENI and the GIEI have continuously faced in carrying out their respective mandates and Nicaragua's non-compliance with the agreements established with both mechanisms and the IACHR.
It urges the Government of Nicaragua to reconsider its decision and allow the international human rights mechanisms of both the OAS and the United Nations to return to the country and to ensure all the necessary guarantees so that they can independently fulfil their mandate, as well as their unrestricted access to detention centers and public institutions and to fully comply with all the precautionary measures granted by the IACHR.
Expresses its support for the work of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Nicaragua and, in particular, for the continuation of the work of the MESENI from the headquarters of the IACHR in Washington, D.C.
It once again expresses its solidarity with the Nicaraguan people and with human rights defenders, social communicators, victims, political prisoners and their families.
It reiterates its willingness to continue working with a view to having a constructive, peaceful, and sincere dialogue with the Government of Nicaragua.