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"We don't leave our vulnerable countrymen alone beyond our borders"

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A group of Chileans who lived in Venezuela and wanted to return to their country, returned to national soil on Tuesday, with the landing of the Boeing 767 plane that the Government of Chile made available. Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero accompanied President Sebastián Piñera to Group 10 of the Air Force to welcome compatriots who did not have the means to return.

The Chancellor had the opportunity to talk with many of them and learn about their stories: "many of them stressed that they had never stopped being Chilean, that they had always had Chile in their hearts and that now they were back. People of very different ages, many different generations who are here and all coming out of the tremendous humanitarian situation that Venezuela is going through".

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The group that travelled was made up of 43 men and 56 women, of whom 25 were minors and 35 were older adults. In addition, one of the girls who arrived in our country was able to bring her pet cat on the flight. The Minister thanked the Consular Direction of the Government of Venezuela for their assistance, which facilitated the procedures: "We trust that, if this program continues, in the case of Venezuela, we can also continue with the assistance that is always so necessary from the country from which the planes take off and people leave".

Chancellor Ampuero also stressed the importance of this aid program for Chileans that exists since 2015. "So far, around 300 people from different places have benefited from this program. This is a very special case because there has been a very large group in a single country, but I want to send the message that is very characteristic of this government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: we do not leave our vulnerable countrymen alone beyond our borders".

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The Boeing 767 that brought Chileans and Venezuelans to our country is the same one that this Monday travelled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to take a group of Haitians who took advantage of the Chilean government's return plan. The ship made a stop in Caracas to bring this new assignment to completion.

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