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Under-secretary Valdivia leads political consultations between Chile and Portugal

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Carolina Valdivia, and the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal, Teresa Ribeiro, headed the III Chile-Portugal Bilateral Political Consultations today.

The meeting reviewed the state of bilateral relations following the "Strategic Guide" or "Roteiro", approved in 2012, which established a roadmap, with concrete actions, to deepen the relationship of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, including the multilateral dimension.

Both vice-ministers agreed on the excellent state of bilateral relations and reviewed each of the subjects in the strategic guide, such as political relations, defense cooperation, civil protection, economic and commercial exchange, reciprocal investments, energy, and academic and cultural cooperation.

The modernization process of the Association Agreement with the European Union, the celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the Strait of Magellan, the regional situation and future areas of cooperation were also analyzed.