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"This is a forum designed to connect us, to build bridges and create common economic prosperity"

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated in the launch of APEC 2019, a ceremony that took place in the Patio de Las Camelias in the Palacio de La Moneda and was led by President Sebastián Piñera.

This is the first event that initiates the agenda that will be developed in Chile during 2019 in its capacity as APEC host country.

In his speech, Chancellor Ampuero highlighted the importance of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum for its member economies: "It is a forum that respects the rhythms of each economy, and that has been able to combine a solidarity element of cooperation with an advance in regional economic integration, with the final objective of improving the well-being of people," said the Chancellor, who also stressed that it has "the objective of outlining a common vision that seeks to improve the living conditions of our citizens".

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Along with this, the Minister highlighted that, 30 years after its creation, APEC has been able to consolidate a multidimensional approach to growth, with a view to a sustainable, inclusive and integral development. He added: "In this period, trade in the Asia-Pacific region has benefited from the notable increase in the number of trade agreements signed by member economies, reaching 164 agreements of which Chile contributes 10%".

Regarding Chile's role as host country of APEC 2019, the Minister stressed that the focus will be to revitalize the focus on people: "We firmly believe that the "people-centered" APEC concept will be essential for the successful future of the APEC Post 2020 Forum and vision. "This is a forum designed to connect us, to build bridges and create common economic prosperity," he added.

In addition, the Minister highlighted that APEC 2019 activities will take place in different Chilean cities: Santiago, Valparaiso, Antofagasta, La Serena, Puerto Varas and Concepción. "Throughout the year we hope to be able to generate an account of our history, our geography, our people and their capabilities," said the Foreign Minister.

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At the end of his speech, the Minister called on the participants of the event: "I want to invite you to take advantage of, get to know and be charmed by Chile, also allowing our people to get to know you and the cultures you represent".

After this activity, Chancellor Ampuero went to the Former Congress in Santiago where he inaugurated the first session of the APEC 2019 symposium.