Strategic Planning Directorate makes progress on Master Plan for Parinacota

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Directorate of Strategic Planning, gathered more than 130 people this Thursday in Putre, province of Parinacota, to promote the regional plan that Chancellor Roberto Ampuero, heads since September.
In the meeting, which was led by the Director of Strategic Planning, Roberto Ruiz, the residents of the area expressed their interest in promoting agriculture, livestock and responsible use of water resources in the region. There is also a need to improve digital connectivity, telecommunications and education.
The Ministry has had a series of dialogues with the inhabitants of the area with the objective of giving a social seal to the development and implementation of the plan. In June, the Secretary of State visited the region of Arica and Parinacota, where he witnessed on site the potential of companies and entrepreneurs seeking to project themselves into the world, but also the obstacles that the inhabitants of the far north face today to achieve their objectives. Then, in September, the Minister headed a meeting with the undersecretaries of Defense, Finance, Economy, Public Works, Social Services, Social Development, National Goods, Tourism and Cultural Heritage, along with Senators and Deputies to work on the Master Plan for Parinacota, the Chancellor has stressed on several occasions the importance of extreme areas for the Ministry and, in the case of the north, the urgency to recover the repopulation and create better living conditions for people.