Strategic Planning Directorate conducts a lecture on ocean affairs

The Directorate of Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a lecture on July 3 conducted by the leading oceanographer of the University of Concepción and Director of the Millennium Institute of Oceanography, Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa.
The meeting was part of a series of talks on emerging issues that will influence the future of Chilean foreign policy. It was inaugurated by the Director of Strategic Planning, Roberto Ruiz and was attended by directors and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as students from the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy.
Ocean affairs are of particular relevance to Chilean foreign policy. It is important to note that continental and insular Chile have almost 3,500,000 km2 of maritime territory, almost 4.6 times its continental surface, and its coastal border is home to nearly 4.3 million inhabitants (out of a national total of 17.5 million). While the ocean warms up, the Chilean coast cools down as part of an accelerated process of desertification of its waters. The sea is not only vital as the foundation of life on our planet, it is also vital for Chile's future viability.
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