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Statement by the Government of Chile regarding the electoral process in Venezuela

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Today, presidential elections were held in Venezuela, convened by the government of President Nicolás Maduro.
In this regard, the Government of Chile states the following:

  1. It does not recognize the validity of this electoral process, which lacks any legitimacy and does not meet any of the minimum and necessary requirements for a democratic and transparent election, in accordance with international standards.
  2. It urges the Government of Venezuela to call for a truly free electoral process as the only way to restore the rule of law in Venezuela. To that end, the necessary guarantees of a democratic, free, fair and transparent process must be respected, with the presence of international observers, the participation of all political actors and groups, equal access to the media, the end of political prisoners and the participation of all Venezuelans who have had to leave their country.
  3. It deeply condemns the actions perpetrated by the dictatorship set up by Nicolas Maduro, which does not respect the most basic freedoms of its citizens and has unleashed a political, economic, social and humanitarian tragedy. Chile urges the Venezuelan Government to respect its obligations under the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
  4. It expresses its solidarity with the Venezuelan people and reiterates its willingness and commitment to provide assistance and protection to the Venezuelans who have left their country, as well as support to those who remain in it.
  5. It energetically reiterates the request to establish mechanisms for humanitarian access to address this serious situation and prevent more Venezuelans from dying of hunger or lack of medicines. Chile is confident in the capacities of the Venezuelan people to overcome the enormous difficulties and adversities that their own Government has imposed on them.
  6. It deeply regrets that Venezuela, a country that for 40 years was free and prosperous, has today intensified the rupture of the democratic and constitutional order. Venezuela is not a democracy: there is no freedom of expression, no separation of powers, no due process, no respect for human rights, and hundreds of political prisoners.