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Secretary General led the farewell ceremony for the Ambassador of Finland to Chile

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Secretary General for Foreign Policy, Patricio Torres, led today the farewell ceremony to the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland in Chile, Markus Leinonen, and decorated him with the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins, in the rank of Grand Cross.

The award ceremony was followed by a farewell lunch at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended by various national authorities and representatives of the Finnish community in Chile, as well as prominent members of the private sector. The luncheon provided an account of the many activities that Ambassador Leinonen carried out during his residence in our country.

Ambassador Leinonen took up his duties in Chile in 2015 and during his period he promoted the increase of commercial relations, cooperation in bioenergy, the exchange of experiences in the field of education and the dissemination of various elements of Finnish culture in Chile.