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Roberto Ampuero is appointed Foreign Minister of the Republic of Chile: "The foreign policy is at the service of Chile"

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Roberto Ampuero assumed today the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, at the ceremony of transmission of command where Sebastián Piñera was sworn in as the new President of the Republic. "Foreign policy is at the service of Chile. We want to contribute to the development of Chile's international relations, but also that this has a positive effect on the quality of life of Chilean citizens," he said after the event held at the National Congress.

"We are a country, we share a territory, cultures, but also dreams of a better, more prosperous country, which also has a greater degree of inclusion in all senses, without discrimination," added the Chancellor.

After the investiture, the Secretary of State went to Cerro Castillo Palace to participate in the official reception offered by President Piñera to the highest foreign authorities who attended the transmission of command.

It should be noted that yesterday, in his capacity as Minister-designate, Ampuero met with the Minister of State of the United Kingdom's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alan Duncan, with whom he discussed the most important aspects of the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

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He also had a meeting with the Director of the Americas Division of Human Rights Watch, José Miguel Vivanco, with whom he talked about the main challenges for human rights, democracy and public freedoms in the region; with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Palestine, Riad Malki; and with the Chancellor of the Dominican Republic, Miguel Vargas.

In addition, he accompanied President Piñera in bilateral meetings with King Juan Carlos of Spain; with representatives from Morocco, China, Korea, the United States, Iran, Japan; and in meetings with the Presidents of Peru, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Ecuador, Lenín Moreno and Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández.

"It has been a very intense day of activities with representatives from different countries and regions. It has also been a test of how Chile is projected to the world and how Chile is also recognized by the world," the minister said.