President Piñera appoints Carolina Valdivia as Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs

The President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, has appointed Carolina Valdivia as Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
Undersecretary Valdivia is a lawyer from the Universidad Católica, Master in Law and Economics from the Instituto Ortega y Gasset - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain and graduated from the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy.
At the time of her appointment, she was the Director General for Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously, she was Executive Coordinator of the Agency before the International Court of Justice in The Hague in the case of "Obligación de Negociar un Acceso al Océano Pacífico" between Chile and Bolivia. She also practiced law in Spain and Chile as part of the law firm Cariola Diez Pérez Cotapos & Cía Ltda.
He has several academic publications. She is a visiting professor of Public International Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is also a professor of the Frontiers and Neighborhood Policy course at the Diplomatic Academy of Chile, along with several specialization courses for officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other State bodies.
He is also a member of the Chilean Society of International Law and the American Society of International Law.
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