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Minister Muñoz and Pope Francis's visit to Chile: "There will be an important dialogue with the President"

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, today referred to the State visit of Pope Francis, in a press conference with the Minister Secretary General of Government, Paula Narváez.

The Chancellor assured that "there will be an important dialogue between the Pope and the President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet" and recalled that in 2015 the Head of State made a state visit to the Vatican, invited by the Supreme Pontiff, which addressed various issues of common interest. "The issues are coincidental; how to combat poverty and inequality, how to adequately confront the rights and demands of indigenous peoples, how to protect the common home", he said.

Finally, the Secretary of State stressed that the Pope is not only a Head of State or the head of the Universal Catholic Church, but that "he is an international political leader who has had important participation in such significant matters as the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba, such as the protection of Christians in the Middle East, such as inter-religious dialogue".

The Pope arrives today at 19:55 hrs. to Chile and will be received by President Michelle Bachelet and Chancellor Muñoz. Tomorrow, meanwhile, he will visit the Palacio de La Moneda, where he will hold a bilateral meeting with the President. His visit to the country will last until January 18.

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