Minister Ampuero participates in the inauguration of Fruittrade 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, arrived today at CasaPiedra to participate in the inaugural ceremony of Fruittrade 2018, an international business meeting specialized in Chilean fruit and vegetables for export, together with the President of Fedefruta, Jorge Valenzuela, and the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker.
During his speech, the Secretary of State expressed his gratitude for the invitation to participate in this meeting, assuring that "since its origin in 2003, this activity allows us to highlight all the advances that Chile has been achieving in the framework of this area, in which today we have a leading position at world level".
Thus, in his speech, the Minister highlighted three points: the importance of fruits and vegetables; the priority given by the government of President Sebastián Piñera to the incorporation of technology and added value in the food industry; and the current climate of commercial tension in the world.
At the end of the meeting, the Chancellor declared that "our fruit is a great ambassador of Chile in the world: each country it reaches tells a story that conveys a part of what Chile is, its people, its customs, its geography and its values, connecting foreign policy with each of the regions of origin, to our country".
Along with this, the Minister added: "I want to leave you with the invitation for this to be the orientation of what you achieve during these two days, in FRUITTRADE, so that its results mean growth and development for our country and for our SMEs, and continue advancing with an outstanding positioning of Chile in the world".
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