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Minister Ampuero highlights progress in the relationship between Chile and the European Union

Thursday, October 11, 2018

After passing through the cities of Berlin and Hamburg, in Germany, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero highlighted the relations between Chile and the main economies of the European Union.

France, Spain, Germany and now Belgium are part of this tour, which, according to the Chancellor, "talks about how Chile continues to open up possibilities for exports and imports, innovation, updating itself and taking advantage of the possibilities of globalization and at the same time uniting criteria with countries that think the same as Chile in terms of what is very important: the defense of free trade and the defense of multilateralism, at a time when there are protectionist voices".

On the possibility of renegotiating the agreement with the European Union, the Secretary of State expressed confidence that by the end of the year there will be more concrete progress and highlighted the conversations that the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, held in this tour to that end.

"There is a willingness on both sides. For the European Union, Chile is a country, and we have heard it in all the interviews we have had, a very coherent country, very solid, very stable, in institutional terms, in democratic terms, in economic terms. That is admired and celebrated in the European Union," said Minister Ampuero.