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Minister Ampuero and Agent Grossman were received by President Piñera to discuss the case in The Hague

Thursday, March 29, 2018
way and always respecting the 1904 Treaty, "which is a cornerstone for good relations, for the security of both countries, for the stability of both countries and for peace and friendship".

The Secretary of State also reiterated that during the pleadings Chile "made it very clear that it is a good neighbour, that it opens its doors, offers its infrastructure and allows, within the terms of the Treaty of 1904, the free trade of Bolivia", thus allowing them to enjoy conditions superior to those of the other countries with a Mediterranean situation in the past. "We like to point out that Chile offers Bolivia, for its free commercial transit, advantages that not even the country offers to national companies," he said.

Finally, the Minister called for respectful language. "A declaration or manifestation of disrespect towards the Bolivian people, towards the plurinational state of Bolivia, or towards its authorities, will never come out of Chile. We are also respectful of the ways. Diplomacy is content, but it is also form," he said.

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