Minister Ampuero after the second day of arguments: "There is nothing pending on the border with Bolivia"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, arrived today at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to participate in the second day of oral arguments between Chile and Bolivia, in the framework of the Obligation to Negotiate trial.
Arriving at the Peace Palace, the Foreign Minister assured that he had come "very calmly" to listen to Bolivia's arguments and then added: "we will respond accordingly and as the Chileans do, in a peaceful manner".
Following the conclusion of the allegations by Bolivia, the Minister made a statement accompanied by the Chilean delegation, in which he stated that "there is nothing pending on the border with Bolivia. I want that to be known, repeated and made clear to the neighbouring country".
Along these lines, the Chancellor declared that "no one can force us to give up one square centimetre of territory. Sovereignty remains intact and it is good that everyone knows it".
The Head of Chilean diplomacy described it as "unacceptable that Bolivia should try to build the image of Chile as a country that does not comply with its international commitments and agreements", assuring that "the world knows how we are and how we comply".
Finally, he added that "we are a country widely integrated into the world, with excellent relations with the planet, which always fulfils its commitments, respecting international law and existing treaties".
After moving to the delegation hotel, the Minister and agent Claudio Grossman held a videoconference with the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera.
The oral arguments will continue this Thursday and Friday with the presentation of the Chilean legal team.
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