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Joint Statement on President Piñera's visit to Germany

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The President of the Republic of Chile and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany met on October 10th in Berlin, where they were able to confirm the excellent level of the bilateral relationship. The multiple instances of dialogue between the two countries, a bilateral agenda focused on energy, education, science and technology, innovation, defense and protection of the environment, as well as exchange of visits of high authorities were consigned.

All of this reflects a shared vision based on democracy, respect for human rights and free trade, which allows us to deepen and promote a solid and stable relationship.

Chile and Germany share a common vision of the importance of the multilateral system and share, among other things, the same principles such as unrestricted respect for international law, the inviolability of treaties, legal equality among States, the peaceful settlement of disputes and the self-determination of nations. The Security Council is of paramount importance in maintaining international peace and security, issues for which it was created, and that is the understanding of both countries.

Among the specific aspects dealt with on the occasion of President Pinera's visit, the following should be highlighted:

In Human Rights both leaders reiterated that this is a guiding principle that directs the political work of both nations. On issues related to the former Colonia Dignidad, the Federal Chancellor and the President of Chile expressed their support for the work of the Joint Commission. This mechanism was established in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in July 2017 in Berlin. Both presidents expressed the wish that this could advance effectively in the work under their charge, particularly with regard to the preservation of the Memory of what happened in that place.

In energy matters, Chile and Germany have an intense agenda that translates into a series of initiatives, highlighting the special interest in an increase in the use of renewable energies, energy efficiency and the technology associated with them. They were in favor of the improvement of solar technologies, intelligent networks, and exchanged experiences regarding their transmission and distribution systems. Considering the intense exchange between the two countries in recent years, it is expected that negotiations to establish an Energy Partnership between Chile and Germany will begin in 2019.

Regarding Climate Change, both presidents showed a shared vision, which materializes in a clear support to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, to the next COP 24 Climate Change Conference to be held in Katowice, Poland and to the Petersberg Dialogue. President Piñera highlighted the important role that Chancellor Merkel has played in promoting this annual discussion on Climate Change. Both countries have set important objectives in order to advance in the international commitments assumed in this matter.

In Education, Science and Technology, the authorities highlighted the work that has been carried out in this field, collaboration that will have a new impulse when the Joint Commission of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation between Chile and Germany celebrates its V version, which will be verified on November 22, 2018, in Bonn. In this instance, the collaboration between Chilean and German institutions will be reviewed.

Closer cooperation was also agreed on in the cultural sphere. Both parties signed a co-production agreement to facilitate access to financial support for jointly produced films and to increase the number of co-produced films.

On the Economic and Commercial front, both leaders reiterated their shared interest in strengthening and diversifying the bilateral economic and commercial relationship on the basis of transparent market rules and globally recognized international standards. Both authorities also reaffirmed their commitment to promoting industrial cooperation, entrepreneurship and innovation in order to achieve greater integration and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Both leaders expressed their clear support and firm commitment to free trade and the multilateral trading system, expressing their concern about the protectionist tendencies observed in this field.

In the area of Ageing, the visit provides an opportunity for both countries to initiate an exchange of knowledge in this field. Considering the experience already developed by Germany in this area and the demographic transformation that Chile is undergoing, this issue has special potential for bilateral cooperation development, which is expected to be formalized in the future between the two countries.

In Cybersecurity, both presidents stated their intention to mutually advance in future mechanisms of international cooperation, which will allow, among other matters, the creation of national and international capacities.

In analyzing the situation in the Latin American region, both heads of government agreed on the delicate situation in Venezuela and expressed their willingness to continue supporting all efforts to restore democracy in that country, in a peaceful and negotiated manner. Chile, as a member of the Lima Group, will continue to promote, in the various multilateral spheres in force, actions and initiatives that contribute to this objective.

With regard to the situation in Nicaragua, the heads of government note with concern the serious socio-political crisis, as well as the growing criminalization of peaceful protests in Nicaragua and call for an immediate end to violence and respect for human rights.

In the context of the European Union, both presidents valued the will to continue moving forward in the process of modernization of the Association Agreement between Chile and the European Union, as a sign of strengthening and renewal of the political and economic-commercial relationship. Chile thanked Germany for its support in achieving this goal. The leaders recalled that last February the Agreement between Chile and the EU celebrated its 15th anniversary since its entry into force, a transcendental step in Chile's international insertion strategy.

The following instruments were signed during the presidential visit:

- Agreement between Chile and Germany for the Co-production of Films
- Declaration of Intentions on Cooperation in Energy Matters.
- Declaration of Intentions on Cooperation in Advanced Training of Chilean Business Executives.