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Foreign Ministry held the School of International Affairs of the North Central Zone in Antofagasta

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In the framework of the Program of International Insertion of the Regions 2018 that develops the Direction of Regional Coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Dicore), the School of Training in International Affairs of the North Central Zone of the country took place in Antofagasta on July 12 and 13, meeting that counted on the participation of the Heads and representatives of Regional Units of International Affairs (URAI), Regional Advisers and authorities of the Regions of Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaiso and Antofagasta.

The inaugural day, which was attended by about one hundred people and was held in the auditorium of the MOP Building, was headed by the Mayor of Antofagasta, Marco Antonio Diaz, and the Director of Dicore, Ambassador Konrad Paulsen.

In addition to the URAI and regional advisors of the north central zone, the School summoned representatives of different institutions and organisms of the region, seremis and heads of service, academics, representatives of armed institutions, PDI and entities of the regional task of Antofagasta.

The program of the meeting in the north central macro zone included presentations by Ambassador Alberto van Klaveren, Coordinator Office of Chile's Agent to The Hague (CIJ); who spoke on Chile's foreign policy and neighborhood relations; Maritza Parada, Director of Cultural Affairs (DIRAC), who discussed Chile's cultural policy abroad and its presence in the regions; and Ambassador Gabriel Rodríguez, who referred to natural laboratories and the opportunity to position Chile in the world networks of research, innovation and development.

Ambassador Rodrigo Olsen, Director of Asia-Pacific (DIRAPAC), also gave a talk on the perspectives of the Chile-Asia-Pacific relationship for the North Central Zone; Alejandro Buvinic, advisor to the Executive Secretariat of the APEC Chile 2019 Forum of the Directorate General of International Economic Relations (DIRECON), spoke on "APEC Chile 2019 and the perspectives of economic integration with Asia-Pacific"; Gilda Vera, lawyer of the National Direction of Borders and State Limits (DIFROL), spoke about the Integration Committees and the international connectivity in the North Center of Chile; while Ivonne Bueno, Corporate Affairs Manager of the Fundación Imagen de Chile, spoke about the positioning of the regions of the North Central Zone of the country.