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Foreign Minister (s) Riveros and Edita Hrdá meet with civil society

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Foreign Minister (s), Edgardo Riveros, and the Executive Director for the Americas of the European External Action Service, Edita Hrdá, met this morning with civil society organizations to report on the progress of the second round of negotiations of the chapter on Political Dialogue and Cooperation in the modernization of the Chile-European Union (EU) Association Agreement.

At the meeting, participants interacted with chief negotiators on a wide range of topics, from cooperation to digital intellectual property. The participants thanked the participants for this new opportunity to inform themselves and become part of this modernization process.

The Association Agreement between Chile and the EU is a comprehensive treaty that addresses trade, political and cooperation issues and through its modernisation is expected to be an effective instrument for addressing contemporary challenges and achieving progress in relation to Sustainable Development, Innovation, gender issues and other matters relevant to Chile and the European Union.