Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero leads Chilean delegation on first day of oral arguments of Chile and Bolivia before The Hague

This morning, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, together with agent Claudio Grossman and the legal defense team, arrived at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to participate in the first day of oral arguments between Chile and Bolivia in the framework of the Obligation to Negotiate trial.
After hearing the first presentation of the team of lawyers representing Bolivia, Minister Ampuero made a statement to the press from the front of the Peace Palace.
In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs assured that the Bolivian arguments presented during the day were a "reference to the historical and with little approach, elaboration, with respect to the legal", later adding that "there were no great surprises in this sense, it was what we expected".
Once the first day of arguments was over, the Minister went to the Chilean delegation's hotel, where he held a videoconference with the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, to inform him of the details of what had happened during the day.
During the afternoon, the Chancellor led the meetings that were held with both the national and international legal teams as part of the preparation of the arguments that Chile will deliver during the opening of its arguments next Thursday.
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