Foreign Minister participates in commemoration of 10 years of the partnership between hospitals Exequiel González Cortés and El Niño de La Paz in Bolivia

Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz participated today in the commemoration of the 10 years of the partnership program between the hospitals Exequiel González Cortés and the Children's Hospital of La Paz in Bolivia, which included the inauguration of a mural and the launch of a book that gathers the experience of both institutions during this decade.
The ceremony was attended by the Minister (s) of Health, Gisela Alarcón, the director of the International Cooperation Agency, AGCI, Ambassador Juan Pablo Lira, the director of Exequiel González Cortés Hospital, María Begoña Yarza and Alfredo Mendoza, director of the Children's Hospital of La Paz in Bolivia.
During his speech, Minister Muñoz highlighted the silent cooperation that exists between Chile and Bolivia: "What usually appears in the press are the discrepancies, the differences, some of them long-standing, and the silent cooperation that Chile has been sending to Bolivia for 10 years is lost", he said.
In addition to this, the Minister stressed: "In international relations, when cooperation is put at the centre, human relations are generated, and the integration we want, the integration of the 21st century is achieved and we are not left anchored in the 19th century. So, let's look to the future and look at the model of these two hospitals, which are an example of the way forward for Chile and Bolivia", he concluded.
Alfredo Mendoza, director of the Children's Hospital of La Paz, expressed his gratitude for this initiative, highlighting the importance of the brotherhood program for the institution he directs. "We are very grateful to the Chileans, the AGCI, because thanks to them we have improved our processes, we have a lot of training, many programs that worked in Exequiel Gonzalez and now we are trying to make them work in La Paz".
At the end of his speech, Mendoza also stressed that these agreements "have strengthened the friendship between two Latin American peoples who are brothers, have strengthened the friendship between hospital officials and we have learned one thing, that the priority for all are the children".
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