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Foreign Minister Muñoz presents book that collects guidelines for the Chilean 2030 Foreign Policy

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, led today, together with the President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet, the presentation of the book "Chile's 2030 Foreign Policy", a forward-looking document prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the contribution of a hundred experts, and which proposes the main guidelines of the foreign policy for the year 2030.

The idea of the text is to contribute to the reflection on Chile's international insertion in a world in constant transformation, making it strategically and maintaining the shared vision of our foreign policy, as a State policy.

This initiative underlines the need to continue to prioritize relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, in particular with our neighbours; it gives an account of the modernization of trade agreements and where cooperation for development should be focused; the opportunities opened up by Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa; it sets out how links with the major powers should be approached and how to work at the multilateral level on issues such as peace, democracy and human rights.

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It also highlights the commitment to the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and the future associated with the Pacific. It looks at how to confront national development in the face of the challenges of emerging issues and how to take advantage of the blue economy, alternative energy, astronomy and the Antarctic connection.

"We are a country that is open to the world. Never before have Chileans lived in such direct interaction with other countries, whether through travel, daily navigation on digital networks, business or studies abroad. We have taken on a greater global awareness and we know that our development depends to a large extent on what happens beyond our borders", the Minister said during the presentation.

The Secretary of State pointed out that in order to produce this book, "an unprecedented process of reflection on Chile's foreign policy was carried out, with the broad participation of public and private actors, with 2030 as the horizon".

The Chancellor explained that the discussions that shaped the book were not only attended by those who lead some areas of foreign policy, but also internationalists, academics, researchers, businessmen, experts and politicians of the most diverse signs, in order to "identify the main trends of these transformations of the global world and how Chile should adapt".

He also indicated that "there was a recollection of the approaches formulated in numerous prospective studies developed by other ministries and government agencies, and in numerous interviews conducted with national and international actors to receive their opinions on what lies ahead", he said.

Finally, the Minister informed that this book "is a first exercise that must be re-evaluated in the coming years, in a comprehensive and transversal manner, which is a fundamental condition for solidifying the debate".