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Foreign Minister Muñoz inaugurated Platea 18, within the framework of the International Festival Santiago a Mil

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, inaugurated today Platea 18, platform of the International Festival Santiago a Mil aimed at promoting interactions and contacts between independent professionals, from public or private institutions related to the production, distribution and programming of contemporary artistic shows.

In his opening speech, the Chancellor described this initiative, which is preceded by the Southern Cone Performing Arts Fair, as "a fundamental platform in the region to facilitate and stimulate dialogue and exchange between cultural managers, theatre companies and public and private actors linked to the presentation of artistic performances".

He also highlighted the International Festival Santiago a Mil, which, "is intimately linked to the recovery of democracy, which allowed that when new airs were blowing, particularly in the 90s, it would make possible the flowering of initiatives such as this one, which meant occupying public spaces in a different way and opening them up to artistic creation, to social criticism, to frank dialogue, to the circulation of ideas, proposals, shows, shows, etc.".

Finally, he highlighted the role played by the Chancellery, through the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the realization of this festival. "Throughout the year, the festival's programming is managed and coordinated and it is there that the connection with our DIRAC has been a key element in negotiations with companies and shows from all over the world, a stage in which the Embassies and Diplomatic Missions of Chile abroad are actively involved. Also, from these connections come functions and tours that give visibility to our performing arts in different cities around the world", he said.