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Foreign Minister concluded his tour in the north with a meeting with the Mayor of Antofagasta and a meeting with women entrepreneurs

Friday, June 22, 2018

With a visit to the Region of Antofagasta, the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, to the north of the country ended today. Their three-day trip aimed to show the Chancellery's interest in the extreme areas and how foreign policy brings concrete benefits to people.

Today's day began with a meeting with the Mayor of the Antofagasta Region, Marco Antonio Díaz. In the meeting, where the Director of Regional Coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Konrad Paulsen, also participated, they reviewed some action and development axes for the Antofagasta Region, mainly those related to port and railway potentialities and road connectivity in general, characteristics that constitute a strategic logistic support of the first order for the provinces of the northwest of Argentina.

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Subsequently, the Secretary of State held a meeting with a group of women entrepreneurs, who have received help from ProChile's regional office, to learn about their testimony and experience exporting their products to different markets around the world. It should be noted that one of Chile's challenges is to help more women's enterprises join exports, as their participation is key to the country's development.

ProChile has led the work in this area through the MujerExporta program, whose central purpose is to contribute to greater equality between men and women in access to and opportunities for participation in international trade.

"For the government of President Sebastián Piñera, the issue of gender is central and, in this sense, we support everything that can contribute to making women more empowered," said Minister Ampuero. "It is not possible, with the level we have in Chile, for us to maintain a level of equity between men and women that is below what we want, think and must achieve as a country," he added.

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The Minister's tour ended with a visit to the facilities of the Port of Antofagasta. "It is a modern, efficient port, and it also has very ambitious aspirations to become a centre that can truly offer different services and make Latin American integration a reality," he said.

There he observed the operation of the French-Paraguayan warehouse, built to store goods that leave and enter Paraguay and which the Foreign Minister described as "a very important space for our friends in Paraguay, whom we warmly invite to take advantage of these opportunities that they have in the port of Antofagasta".