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Foreign Minister Ampuero accompanies President Piñera during official visit to Argentina

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, is visiting Argentina with the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera.

The focus of this visit is given by the great variety of interests shared due to the geographical proximity and integration that has taken place between the two countries. In addition, because of the broad consensus on public policies and the vision of the road to development.

Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will accompany the President at the working breakfast "Argentina - Chile, a strategic alliance for the creation of value". The President will then place a floral offering on the monument to the Liberator General José de San Martín.

At the Casa Rosada, the Secretary of State will participate in the bilateral meeting that President Sebastián Piñera will hold with President Mauricio Macri. The day will end with the participation of both authorities in the 30th anniversary of the Libertad Foundation.

The agenda of both nations includes various issues of the bilateral agenda, such as border and energy integration, cooperation, bioceanic corridors, trade, among others.