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Chilean Chancellor after the first day of Chilean arguments in The Hague: "The forcefulness, the collective work and the power of Chile's arguments were evident"

Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, arrived today at the Peace Palace to participate in the first day of pleadings presented by Chile before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in the framework of the Obligation to Negotiate case.

Upon his arrival at the Court, the Chancellor assured: "We come with great calm and security to defend the interests of Chile".

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After listening attentively to the presentation by lawyers Sir Daniel Bethlehem, Jean-Marc Thouvenin, Kate Parlett and Sam Wordsworth, the Minister made a statement at the front of the Palace, accompanied by Agent Claudio Grossman and the Chilean delegation.

"The forcefulness and collective work and the power of Chile's arguments were evident," said the Foreign Minister, who then added that "what Chile has done is to use a surgeon's hand to address each of the arguments, the quotations and the statements made by Bolivia, in such a way that many of them have been shown to be out of text and out of context".

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The Secretary of State stated that "it is very important for Chile to insist that the 1904 Treaty is the cornerstone, the framework and the umbrella within which relations between Chile and Bolivia must be maintained". In this sense, he described it as "unacceptable that Bolivia tries to enter the Treaty through a small door, to undermine it, to pierce it, to destroy it".

At the end of his statement, the Minister insisted that Bolivia was "confusing its aspirations with reality". Finally, he pointed out that "Bolivia came here with fundamentally political reasons, determined by a Constitution that obliges Bolivian leaders to ignore in particular the 1904 Treaty".

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