Chile participates in the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

From August 1st to 3rd, Chile, represented by the Ministry of National Assets through the National Territorial Information Coordination System (SNIT), will participate in the eighth annual meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), to be held at UN headquarters in New York.
This Committee of Experts seeks to play a leading role in the global management of geospatial information, to promote its development in the face of global challenges and to provide coordination mechanisms among member states, international organizations and standing SDI committees at the regional level to work in partnership in the global management of geospatial information.
This annual event enables the Committee to address global challenges related to the application of geospatial information, including global development programmes and policymaking in the field of geospatial information management.
At this eighth session, the Executive Secretary of the SNIT, Macarena Pérez, on behalf of Chile, was invited to act as Rapporteur, i.e., to support the secretariat in the final report of the session, recording that all the elements discussed by each of the member countries during the session be considered. Since the Executive Secretariat of the SNIT has the vice-presidency of the American chapter for the period 2018-2021, it also represents the Americas in this directive body made up of representatives of the five regional committees existing throughout the world.
Chile, through the Executive Secretariat of the SNIT, actively participates in the expert groups of: Land Management, Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, and Marine Information. Meanwhile, at the regional level, our country is coordinating the Working Group on Geospatial Data Infrastructures, and should present the progress made in those activities on this occasion.
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