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Chile and Canada strengthen bilateral relations

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Carolina Valdivia, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, along with Michael Grant, Assistant Deputy Minister for the Americas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada, headed the X Chile-Canada Political Consultation Meeting in Ottawa.

The authorities confirmed the excellent state of bilateral relations between Chile and Canada, highlighting the Strategic Partnership Framework Agreement, the renewal of which was approved in 2013 and which established a Roadmap for the expansion and deepening of the link between the two countries.

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Emphasis was also placed on the modernization of the Chile-Canada Free Trade Agreement, an instrument that has contributed to the multiplication of business and commercial exchanges. This text includes among its new chapters, that of Gender and Trade, tending to the economic empowerment of women.

Undersecretary Valdivia and Assistant Deputy Minister Grant confirmed the great coincidence that exists between Chile and Canada in multilateral issues and forums and exchanged points of view on the regional and global panorama. They agreed to continue coordinating positions on human rights, international trade, gender equity and democracy in the global context.

The Undersecretary took the opportunity to invite Canada to take an active role in APEC 2019, which Chile will host, extending an invitation to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit Chile during that period.