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Chile aims to reach convergence between international actors for crisis in Venezuela

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


"Chile is acting in a decisive and clear way, defending the principles of our international foreign policy that are linked with the adherence to International Law, with the defense of Human Rights, with the promotion and defense of democracy". With these words, the Chancellor Roberto Ampuero highlighted the efforts of our country to help solving the crisis in Venezuela.

The Secretary of state indicated that Chile is operating with the aim of materializing approaches between all democrats that want to reestablish democracy in Venezuela. "We are seeking convergence with the international actors within the Lima Group, within the dialogue with other chancellors, within the permanent dialogue that we hold with other countries, and certainly with European countries", he affirmed, restating that after the Lima Group meeting on February 25 he travelled to Mexico to "explore paths of convergence on this issue".

The Minister reiterated that "the problem of Venezuela is Nicolás Maduro" and that "for the Government of Chile and the great majority of the Chileans, there are two ways here: either we go for democrats or for those that justify, support and identify themselves with the dictatorship".

Also, he stated that for the Government of Chile it is necessary to condemn the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro and the violation of Human Rights, together with recognizing Juan Guaidó as Interim President and the National Assembly as the only democratically elected body that runs today in Venezuela".

The Minister Ampuero claimed that "it is very important, necessary and urgent", that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) "commits to the support of freedom and democracy in Venezuela". This, after the High Commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, affirmed that in that country "there is violence of civil and political rights including the failure to guarantee fundamental liberties and the independence of key institutions".

The Chancellor said that this commitment should be carry out by "promoting a peaceful exit within the Rule of Law what implicates the calling for free, competitive and democratic elections".