Chancellors of Chile and Argentina commemorate 40 years of papal mediation that ended the Beagle Channel conflict

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated in the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the mediation of Pope John Paul II between Chile and Argentina on the Beagle Channel.
The ceremony took place at the Taranco Palace in Montevideo, Uruguay, the same place where 40 years ago the foreign ministers of that time, Hernán Cubillos of Chile and Carlos Pastor of Argentina, signed the Montevideo Act, the first document with which both countries opened the way for the peace agreement that put an end to the border dispute.
In the activity, along with the Chancellor Ampuero participated his pair of Argentina, Jorge Faurie, his pair of Uruguay, Rodolfo Nin, and the apostolic nuncio to the Republic of Uruguay, Martin Krebs. Along with them was also the Uruguayan Chancellor during the time of mediation, Enrique Iglesias.
At the meeting, the Foreign Ministers of Chile and Argentina signed a joint declaration in which they highlighted the decisive role played by Pope John Paul II "in re-establishing peace and harmony between the two countries", also emphasizing the efforts made by Cardinal Antonio Samore to reach an agreement between the two nations, which was later translated into the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1984.
Thus, in the declaration signed both authorities stressed that this agreement represents "a clear example of the decision and willingness of the two countries to resolve any differences through dialogue, with strict adherence to international law".
Along with this, Chile and Argentina ratified "the significant strategic alliance forged by both countries in recent years, whose solid foundations will not only contribute to continue deepening and widening their common and shared ties".
During his speech, Foreign Minister Ampuero thanked Uruguay for the role it played in the solution between the two countries. Along with this, the Minister highlighted the evolution of relations between Chile and Argentina: "This treaty contributed to dispel the spectre of war between the two countries and helped pave the way for a new, intense and robust stage in bilateral ties, characterized by a progressive process of understanding, generation of trust, cooperation and integration ratified in 2009".
Thus, the Minister added: "We appreciate that the recovery of democracy in both countries has allowed us to leave behind definitively any perception or hint of reciprocal threat and has made mutual trust prevail as the central and constant axis in the dynamic links that Argentina and Chile cultivate today".
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