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Chancellor arrives in Arica on tour of border areas

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, today began a tour of the north of the country, which includes visits to Arica, Antofagasta and border towns.

His first activity is a meeting with the Mayor of the Region of Arica and Parinacota, Maria Loreto Letelier.

After this, the Chancellor plans to visit the company WakiLabs, a collaborative workspace focused on technology and innovation, which houses different firms linked to this area and which has received the support of ProChile with a view to accessing international markets.

During the afternoon, Minister Ampuero plans to move to Socoroma and Putre. In both locations you will meet with the community and local entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, the minister is scheduled to arrive in Visviri, where he will visit the local school.

Regarding this trip, the Chancellor stressed: "We will not only be with the local authorities, but also with Chileans, with citizens of Arica and inland towns. I will visit them and talk to them personally, to hear first-hand their vision of the challenges facing our country".

In addition, the Minister stressed that the message he wishes to deliver in this extreme area is that "we want the work of the Foreign Ministry, that foreign policy, to have a concrete impact on people, especially in the extreme areas of our country and on the Chileans who live there".