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Chancellor Ampuero: "President Morales has made a big shift in his position and is preparing the ground for a ruling that will not give him what he promised to his people"

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, made today a statement to the press in which he assured that "in the last days the Government of Bolivia has made a great change in its position". In this regard, he said that "President Morales is preparing the ground for a ruling that will not give him what he promised his people to go to The Hague: sovereign Chilean territory".

"It is worth remembering what Bolivia's real demand before the Court is: that Chile must surrender sovereign territory to Bolivia. That is Bolivia's demand," specified the Foreign Minister, adding that "however, in recent days the Government of Bolivia no longer speaks of sovereign territory. Now it says that all it wants is to seek formulas of understanding and a new era of peace. A peace that, by the way, already exists between our two countries".

"What explains this great turn of President Evo Morales, who no longer talks about recovering Antofagasta or about nailing Bolivian flags in our Pacific, but only wants now to open a dialogue with Chile?" asked the Secretary of State. In his opinion, this is due to the fact that the Government of Bolivia "knows that The Hague will not give what it promised to its people: sovereign Chilean territory".

In his statement, the Minister also stated that "Chile reaffirms its position from the beginning of this case: the borders with Bolivia were fixed in perpetuity in the Treaty of 1904, which is in force and must be respected by both countries".

"Chile waits calmly and also united for the ruling of this October 1st, with the full certainty that we have made a clear and solid defense of our country's interests before the International Court of Justice", concluded the Chancellor.