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Chancellor Ampuero participates in the Senate's tribute to the Legal Team that defended Chile in The Hague

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated today in a tribute that the Senate paid to the members of the Chilean Legal Team in the lawsuit initiated by Bolivia at the International Court of Justice.

The ceremony, held in the Senate room, was attended by the Chilean Agent before The Hague, Claudio Grossman and former Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz. The tribute was headed by Senators Ricardo Lagos Weber, Iván Moreira, José Miguel Insulza, Francisco Chahuán and Jorge Pizarro.

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"I would like to thank the different parliamentary groups for their homage, on behalf of the legal team that represented Chile. I also want to thank the different governments of Chile: President Piñera, President Michelle Bachelet and President Piñera and the foreign ministers," said Agent Grossman at the ceremony.

The Agent also highlighted "the spirit of national unity that existed in this case in relation to Chile's defense. The motivation of national and foreign teams and Chile's international projection was an essential and solid component of its successful defense".