Chancellor Ampuero participates in the launch of the summit on climate change

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated this noon in the launch of the climate change summit, COP 25, which will take place between 2 and 13 December in Chile and will bring together heads of state and ministers from 196 countries to promote more significant actions and commitments in the care and protection of the planet.
The activity was led by the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, who emphasized Chile's advances in the fight against climate change, through the development of active public policies, such as the decarbonization of the energy matrix, the rise of renewable energies, the law of environmental crimes, the end of plastic bags in trade and the plan to protect wetlands. He also stressed that in Chile no more coal-fired power plants will be opened and that the country aspires to have 70% of the energy matrix with renewable energies by 2030.
Chancellor Ampuero pointed out that "Chile can make an important contribution to this issue and, at the same time, reinforce our country's leadership at the international level. To which he added that for this "it is required that we all push the same car because with this we all win as a country."
On occasion, it was announced that the Cerrillos Bicentennial Park would host the summit and Gonzalo Muñoz Abogair, the founder of the recycling company TriCiclos, was presented as "Champion" of COP 25, in charge of advising the COP Presidency and working in coordination with the United Nations.
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