Chancellor Ampuero highlights unity in special session of the Foreign Affairs Commission in Arica

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated today in a special working session of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, led by the President of the entity, Vlado Mirosevic.
In addition to the members of the committee, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Maya Fernández, and the President of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ricardo Lagos Weber, were also present, along with the senators of the area, José Miguel Insulza and José Durana.
The objective of the meeting was to address issues of interest to the region, with special emphasis on the importance of foreign policy for the development of extreme areas. The Minister described the meeting as "a great session" and explained that the issues were dealt with "from a very broad, cross-cutting point of view, with a great deal of unity, and also seeing what the main issues are, we looked at them seriously and also looked for alternatives and solutions".
After this meeting, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero met with women entrepreneurs in the area, particularly with the owners of the production company Mimbre, who receive support from ProChile, which has allowed them to carry out various trade missions to England, the United States and Uruguay, in addition to participating in Enexpro 2017.
This is the second trip to the Arica and Parinacota Region by the Minister in less than a month. On June the 20th and 21st he made a trip to the villages of the interior of the region, specifically in Putre, Socoroma and Visviri, where he met with local entrepreneurs, who have been helped by the Foreign Ministry, and learned about the testimony and concerns of the inhabitants of these areas.
"What we are doing, through these trips, through this involvement, is to see the extreme areas, in this case northern Chile, as an area that needs special treatment, special attention, that has great wisdom in terms of integration and future alternatives and that has great prospects also in terms of integration into the world," he said.