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Chancellor Ampuero attends the signing of the twinning agreement between the region of O' Higgins and the Province of Shanxi

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The O'Higgins region of Chile and the Shanxi province of China signed an agreement on cooperation and empowerment, consisting of high-level exchanges to promote cooperation in the areas of trade, energy, education, sports, culture, tourism, infrastructure construction, among others.

The signing of this initiative took place within the framework of the realization of Chile Week 2019 which is taking place these days in Beijing and Shanghai.

The mayor of the OHiggins region, Juan Manuel Masferrer, was in charge of signing the initiative on behalf of Chile.

At the end of the signing, the Chancellor Roberto Ampuero declared: "We celebrate that both regions signed today a friendship agreement that includes collaboration on various issues. Shanxi, which has 34 million inhabitants, is one of Chile's major importers of cherries and wines, and they are very interested in deepening the commercial relationship by offering their technological products at the same time. The mayor of O'Higgins and the vice-governor of Shanxi argued that the two cities have begun a path that will lead them to an excellent future relationship that is becoming ever closer. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile plays an important role in the rapprochement, not only of Chile with the world, but also at a more local level, with the regions of the country".

"We wanted to transmit to China the importance of deepening our relations for the benefit of our nations. Today, a true and fruitful friendship begins," said O'Higgins Mayor Juan Manuel Masferrer.