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Chancellor Ampuero after meeting with former Foreign Ministers: "Chile has a State policy on international policy"

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Today, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero held a meeting with the Council of former Foreign Ministers, in which former ministers Miguel Schweitzer, Hernán Felipe Errázuriz, José Miguel Insulza, Soledad Alvear, Mariano Fernández, Alfredo Moreno and Heraldo Muñoz participated.

The meeting is part of regular meetings between the Minister and his predecessors and aims to address the various aspects of our country's foreign policy.

At the end of the meeting, the Chancellor said: "I am very grateful for the assistance of the former chancellors, their opinion, their suggestions, their experience, their knowledge. And this shows once again that Chile has a State policy on international policy in terms of international relations.

Among the issues discussed at today's meeting were the crisis in Venezuela, the integration promoted by our country between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur, and the status of the demands that Chile and Bolivia face before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Asked about the situation of immigrant children in the United States, Chancellor Ampuero said it was a point discussed at the meeting and added: "A central element of President Sebastián Piñera's government is that children come first. For us, safeguarding the dignity, well-being and care of children is central. Therefore, we observe what is happening and we are attentive to what is happening, but the central thing in this, I insist again, is to safeguard the dignity, care, well-being and safety of children. "We believe that no child should be separated from his or her parents," she added.