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Chancellery held Training School on International Affairs of the South Central-South Zone in the city of Concepción

Friday, July 27, 2018

On July 25 and 26, the "International Affairs Training School for the South Central-South Zone" was held in the city of Concepción, with the participation of the Heads and representatives of Regional Units of International Affairs (URAI), Heads of the Planning and Development Division (DIPLADE), Regional Councillors, advisors to Regional Mayors and authorities from the Regions of O'Higgins, Maule, Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Aysén and Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic.

The meeting was opened by the Regional Intendant of Biobío, Jorge Ulloa Aguillón; and the Director of Regional Coordination, Ambassador Konrad Paulsen. In addition to the URAI, Division Chiefs and Regional Councillors of the south central zone, the School convened representatives of different institutions and organizations of the region; Regional Ministerial Secretaries and Heads of Service; councillors, academics, representatives of the Navy, Carabineros and PDI; and several entities of the regional task of Concepción and communes of Biobío.

The central program of the School included presentations by Ambassador Alberto van Klaveren, Coordinator Office of the Chilean Agent to The Hague (CIJ), "Foreign Policy of Chile and the Obligation to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean before the Hague Court"; Mr. Jorge O'Ryan, National Director of ProChile, "Perspectives of Chile's Export Development: challenge for our Regions"; Ms. Marcela Otero, Advisor to the Executive Secretariat of "APEC Chile 2019 Forum", Directorate General of International Economic Relations (DIRECON), "APEC Chile 2019 Forum and prospects for Economic Integration with Asia Pacific"; Ambassador Gabriel Rodríguez, Director of Energy, Science and Technology and Innovation (DECYTI), "Natural Laboratories: an opportunity to position Chile in the global networks of Research, Innovation and Development"; Minister Counsellor Juan Angulo, Director (S) Environment and Ocean Affairs (DIMA), "Agenda 2030: Climate Change, Ocean Governance and Sustainable Cities"; Mrs. Gilda Vera, lawyer of the National Direction of Borders and State Limits, (DIFROL), "Integration and International Connectivity Committees of the South-South Central Zone of Chile"; and Mr. Jorge Cortés, Director (S) of Fundación Imagen de Chile, "International Positioning of the Regions of the South-South Central Zone of Chile".

The International Affairs Training Schools are part of the activities of the International Insertion Program of the Regions that DICORE develops in the territory, whose main purpose is to collaborate and contribute with the training and permanent information to the actors that promote cooperation initiatives and international links from the regions of the country.