Rejection of the extradition of Ricardo Palma Salamanca: "This is an incomprehensible decision"
After the decision of the Court of Appeals of Paris to reject the extradition of Ricardo Palma Salamanca, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, regretted this decision and expressed our country's disagreement.
"It is an incomprehensible decision," he said, adding that "even respecting the independence of this jurisdictional body, the resolution, in our opinion, does not comply with the principles, norms and rules of international law applicable in the matter".
The Secretary of State recalled that Palma Salamanca was condemned by the Chilean justice system for the murder of a Senator of the Republic: "Senator Jaime Guzmán was a victim of this crime perpetrated in a democracy, the investigation of this crime was carried out in a democracy and the condemnation was also carried out in a democracy," he stressed.
He emphasized that Chile is a state where the law reigns and that the resolution known today "denies both the victims and their families the possibility of obtaining justice. We deeply regret this".
He concluded by saying that Chile reaffirms its "unwavering commitment to the fight against terrorism. This Ministry of Foreign Affairs will maintain its objective of collaborating with the decisions of the Chilean courts in an unalterable manner, especially in matters of such relevance and gravity as the assassination of a Senator of the Republic, in a democracy".