Minister Allamand reaffirms Chile's commitment to the environment before Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Alliance for Multilateralism

In a telematic greeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand, stressed Chile's commitment to the environment and the fight against climate change, in the context of a new meeting of the Alliance for Multilateralism.
At the meeting - which brings together countries that are united in their conviction that a multilateral order based on rules is a guarantee for peace and international security, and for facing global challenges such as climate change, respect for human rights, sustainable development and the digital transformation, among others - the Chancellor explained Chile's commitment to reducing emissions.
"Chile, as president of the COP25, has tried to lead by example. First, right in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, we announced the National Determined Contribution, which sets a single target for our emissions reduction, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Not only that, we have also called on all countries to raise the ambition of contributions to the Paris Agreement in the same direction," the Foreign Minister explained.
In addition, he stressed the importance of Antarctic issues, ocean protection, Chile's strategy in designing a National Green Hydrogen Strategy and the importance of the policy of moving towards a renewable energy matrix.
"Today, 44% of our energy sources are clean and renewable. By the year 2030 we hope that it will be 70%. We are also working to make electromobility replace fossil fuels and Santiago, our capital, is the city outside China with the most electric buses in the world. Our goal is that by 2040, 100% of our urban public transport system will be electric," emphasized Minister Allamand.