Foreign Minister Ampuero attends the Command Transmission of the new President of Brazil

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, attended today with the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, the ceremony of transfer of command of the new Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, in which a bilateral meeting was held, the only one granted by the new Brazilian Head of State to another president during the day.
"We are making progress on a collaboration agreement on clean and renewable energy, on how to make better use of water," said the President about the meeting, which also addressed the Free Trade Agreement with Brazil. "We are going to coordinate with President Bolsonaro to speed up the approval of the two Congresses," he said.
Brazil is Chile's third largest trading partner and the first in Latin America. In 2017, trade between Chile and Brazil surpassed US$ 9 billion.
Furthermore, after the meeting President Piñera confirmed that Bolsonaro will visit Chile soon.
For his part, Minister Ampuero pointed out that "with Brazil we have an old friendship without borders and it is our main commercial partner in Latin America. We will continue to work so that our people have more and better opportunities".
As part of today's meeting, the Foreign Minister also accompanied the President to a meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, where they discussed cooperation projects in the management of water resources, cyber security, innovation, and the negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement.