Friday, October 4, 2013 
In Tacna
Second Committee for Peru-Chile Border Integration and Development concludes successfully
Comparte :


The Second Meeting of the Chile-Peru Committee on Border Development was held on October 3 and 4 in Tacna with the active participation of representatives of the Arica and Parinacota Region and the Peruvian city. The meeting, which was chaired by the Director of Borders and Limits at the Foreign Ministry, María Teresa Infante, and Peru's Director of Border Development and Integration, José Antonio García Torres, was also attended by regional senior authorities, officials of the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs, civil servants and representatives of the private sector.

On the occasion, the Prefect of Arica and Parinacota, JoséDurana, greeted the attendees on behalf of the region at the beginning of the bilateral meeting, whose agenda included issues related to border relations such as health, transport and tourism, among others. The committee also proposed to include other issues in the areas of innovation and technology in the next meeting and mentioned the interest in promoting binational projects on non-conventional renewable energy.

The committee assessed the integrated control exercise conducted at the Chacalluta and Santa Rosa border complexes last August, agreeing on the importance of strengthening coordination, public education and the presence of relevant bodies.

The agreements made on transport, customs, health, cooperation , police, human trafficking and culture, among others,  are beginning to be implemented by the relevant  agencies  and their development will be submitted to analysis at a mid-term meeting , to be held in April next year in Arica.