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Thursday, June 29, 2017 
President Bachelet appoints new Chilean Ambassadors in Kenia, Poland, South Africa and Thailand
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Foreign Relations Minister, Heraldo Muñoz, reported that President Michelle Bachelet appointed four new Chilean Ambassadors. They are Hernán Brantes in Kenia, Julio Bravo in Poland, Francisco Berguño in South Africa and Christian Rehren in Thailand; all of whom have received the acquiescence of their respective destinations.

Hernán Brantes

Ambassador Brantes studied Civil Construction at Universidad de Chile and graduated from the "Andrés Bello" Diplomatic Academy. In the Ministry of Foreign Relations, he worked in as Deputy Director of Human Resources, Director of Consular Services, and Director of Parliamentary Affairs.
During his career, he also fulfilled different roles in the Chilean Chancellery in Montevideo and in Montreal, in the Chilean Embassy in Canada, where he was Alternate Representative in front of the International Civil Organization board and as a member of the committee of Air Transportation and of the committee of Unlawful Interference. He has performed as General Consul in Cape Town, Hong Kong, Cordova, Buenos Aires, as Chilean Ambassador in the Republic of Korea and as non-residing Ambassador in Mongolia.

Julio Bravo

Ambassador Julio Bravo is a History and Geography Professor at Universidad de Concepción and graduated from Chile's "Andres Bello" Diplomatic Academy. He studied as a scholarship holder from the American Field Service (AFS) in Maine and he has a Masters in International Relations from FLACSO, Argentina.
He has worked at Chilean Embassies in Thailand, Peru, Argentina and the US. Within the Chancellery, he has performed the duties of Planning Director, Bilateral Policies Director, American Affairs Director and Asia-Pacific Affairs Director. He was also the Director of the Programme Secretariat from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Francisco Berguño

Ambassador Francisco Berguño has a bachelor's degree in International Relations and in Public Administration from Louvain's Catholic University, Belgium, and he graduated from "Andres Bello" Diplomatic Academy. He has worked in the Chilean Embassies in Morocco, Austria, Greece, Belgium and in the European Union Mission. He has also been Chilean Consul in Rabat, Vienna, Athens and the Chilean Alternate Representative in the Office of the United Nations in Vienna, amongst others.
Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has worked in the Direction of Multilateral Policies, Direction of Cultural Affairs, Asia-Pacific Direction and in the Direction of Environment, Antarctica and Maritime Affairs. Since June 2013, he was fulfilling the position of Antarctic Director.

Christian Rehren

Ambassador Rehren has a biologic and natural sciences background from the Universidad Catolica de Chile and graduated from the "Andres Bello" Diplomatic Academy. He has worked for the Chilean Embassies in Ecuador, El Salvador, Rumania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Japan, the Chilean Permanent Mission in the United Nations, New York, and in the Chilean Permanent Mission in front of the United States Organizations in Washington D.C. He was also assigned Chilean Ambassador in Malaysia.

Within the Ministry, he has worked in the Multilateral Policies Direction, Bilateral Policies, the Minister's Cabinet and in the General Direction of External Policies. He was also Coordinator of the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the XVIII, Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, Assistant General Director for the Americas and Director of European Affairs.